Accessing the G:\ drive for public, read-only files:
1. Open the File Explorer from the Start menu or by clicking the folder icon pinned to the Task Bar. Select “This PC” from the list of file locations on the left side of the File Explorer window.
2. Click “Map Network Drive” at the top of the File Explorer window. This option will only appear when you are selected on “This PC” in the left panel of the window.
3. In the dialog that appears, choose the letter “G:” next to “Drive:”. Then, type the path to the folder you wish to access: \\winfile02\geodata$
Most students and faculty can access two folders located at this share point: “GISdata” and “Public”. Access is provided to department faculty and students on a case by case basis to projects in the “other” folder. Anthropology faculty and students are provided access to the “AnthropologyLab” folder.
4. If connecting from the GIS lab or SciVis lab (or you are using them remotely through RDP) leave “Reconnect at logon” checked and uncheck the box next to “connect using different credentials”.
5. Click the Finish button.
6. You will be prompted to enter login information. Your VassarOne username will probably be entered automatically (if not, enter it in the space provided) and it will prompt you to type in your password.
7. Click OK. The contents of the folder you entered in the previous screen should appear in File Explorer.